Two millenia ago, Paul wrote a nice letter to his friend Philemon about Jesus and forgiveness. You see, once upon a time, Philemon had a really poor quality slave named Onesimus. This slave was so bad that Phelemon finally had to give him the boot.
This is EXACTLY the same as that part in the movie The Two Towers where Grima Wormtongue convinced King Theoden that Eomer was a poor servant and needed to be exiled.
Eventually this slave ended up in prison with the apostle Paul and while there, converted to Christianity. Paul loved Jesus and loved helping out followers of Christ, so he wrote this letter:
Dearest Philemon,
I pray for you a lot and we both love Jesus, Yay! Hey, you remember that worthless bastard Onesimus? Well, it turn out he's a Christian now and he's been super helpful to me since he converted. I would totally keep him forever, but I want him to return and be your slave again so you can learn forgiveness and see how great he is now.
Now remember, he's christian now so you should be nicer to him than the other slaves. Think of him more as a slave/brother. Like, whip him less or something out of respect for your shared faith.
This is EXACTLY the same as that part in the movie The Two Towers where a huge orc army was killing all of Theoden's people and Gandalf convinced Eomer to show up with a couple thousand light cavalry at the last possible minute and kill all the orcs.
Moral: It's better to be a Christian slave than a regular slave.
Ref: Philemon 1
I find no translation that talks of Onesimus as being a bastard, as you put it. I've been doing Bible studies of the characters of the Lord of the Rings for some time and you are way off base. Eomer was loyal to Theoden, but saw the threat of Saruman's orcs and the need for Rohan to aid Gondor. Onesimus was a runaway slave who happened upon Paul while he was in prison and ministered to him. As he did Paul ministered to Onesimus so that he became a Christian Philemon lost a worthless slave and received a brother in Christ. That is NOTHING like Grima Wormtonge getting Eomer locked up. Do us a favor and READ your Bible before presenting Bible stories.