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Monday, July 1, 2013

Sheep Go To Heaven – CAKE

Before I feed you these lyrics I need to give you some background information so you can hear it all bible-like, just as I do.

First: Jesus was the son of a carpenter – Matthew 13:55

Second: But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left. (Matthew 25: 31-33 NASB)

Third: Pan-pipes and wine are both heavily associated with the god Dionysus, also known as Bacchus. Like Jesus he had an immortal father (Zeus) and a mortal mother (Semele). Unlike Jesus, Dionysus’ mother died before he was born, so Zeus saved Dionysus’ fetus by sewing it into his thigh where it safely incubated until it could live on its own. Nifty, eh?

I’m not feeling alright today
I’m not feeling that great
I’m not catching on fire today
love has started to fade
I’m not going to smile today
I’m not gonna laugh
you're out living it up today
I’ve got dues to pay

And the grave-digger puts on the forceps
The stone mason does all the work
The barber can give you a haircut
The carpenter can take you out to lunch

I just want to play on my pan-pipes
I just want to drink me some wine
as soon as you're born you start dying
so you might as well have a good time

Sheep go to heaven
Goats go to hell
Sheep go to heaven
Goats… go to hell

I don't wanna go to sunset strip
I don't wanna feel the emptiness
bold marquees with stupid band names
I don't wanna go to sunset strip
I don't wanna go to sunset strip
I don't wanna feel the emptiness
Bold marquees with stupid band names
I don't wanna go to sunset strip

And the grave-digger puts on the forceps
The stone mason does all the work
The barber can give you a haircut
The carpenter can take you out to lunch

I just want to play on my pan-pipes
I just want to drink me some wine
As soon as you're born you start dying
So you might as well have a good time

Sheep go to heaven
Goats go to hell
Sheep go to heaven
Goats… go to hell

And the grave-digger puts on the forceps
The stone mason does all the work
The barber can give you a haircut
The carpenter can take you out to lunch

I just want to play on my pan-pipes
I just want to drink me some wine
As soon as you're born you start dying
So you might as well have a good time

Sheep go to heaven
Goats go to hell
Sheep go to heaven
Goats… go to hell [x5]

From the album Prolonging the Magic

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