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Thursday, August 30, 2012

God Explains Himself – Why God Tests his People to See if they will worship false gods

Yes, that’s right. God tests you and commits mass murder you if you fail

Deuteronomy Chapter 13 is a very good chapter. It explains a great deal about how God thinks. You see, God is really insecure and really wants people to like him. He doesn’t like fakers though. He hates them. He likes to kill them and their friends.

Jehovah occasionally gives dreamers and false prophets good information. He does this specifically so people will hear these predictions and see them come true. The idea is that people tend to think if a prophet gives good, true, reliable information that prophet must also be right about which god you should worship. However, if you are successfully tricked by Jehovah into following a different god it means you don’t really love Jehovah. This makes Jehovah very, very angry.

When this happens Jehovah says everyone must kill you and kill the false prophet that Jehovah tricked into tricking you. If anyone says something like, “Hey this non-Jehovah prophet made some predictions that came true so his god must be the right one, let’s worship that god now instead of Jehovah,” that person must die. Also any city that produces one of Jehovah’s secret agent false prophets must be completely eradicated. Not just the buildings or the men mind you. All the men, women, children, cattle, and pets must die.

Remember to never fall victim to Jehovah’s trickery or He will not only kill you, but countless other people as well.

You have been warned . . .

Ref: Deuteronomy 13

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