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Monday, May 6, 2013

Mass Filicide – Fire from Heaven

Filicide: the deliberate act of a parent killing his or her own son or daughter

If you’ve been faithfully reading my bible stories, you should be familiar with the idea of Jehovah calling down fire from heaven to destroy his children. You may even be tempted to think this is a repeat story. It’s not though. I promise. God just really likes to kill people with fire from heaven.

It just so happens that right before Jehovah sent all the quail and then the plague, the children of Israel were complaining. That’s right the no good beggars were complaining. I like to imagine Oliver Twist (here are links for the book and movie) at the workhouse where he was forced to work all day for very little food. One day the desperately hungry boys drew lots to see who they would make ask for more food. The lot fell to Oliver who trembling, bowl in hand, approached a well-fed administrator and said, “Please, sir, I want some more.” Of course this caused a huge uproar and the workhouse administrators couldn’t get rid of Oliver fast enough. Good thing Jehovah wasn’t on the workhouse board of directors or I’m sure the entire young workforce would have been burnt to a crisp.

Back to the story: The Hebrews complained and Jehovah sent down fire from heaven, just like every single other time. The fire killed a ton of people, but not everyone. After Moses prayed to Jehovah, the fires died out. Then the really stupid survivors complained about the type of food they were getting, so Jehovah sent those quail and the plague.

Moral: Read Dickens’ books and assume that God is much meaner than any of Dickens’ characters and far more homicidal. Use that as your guide to action, and you are far less likely to be the victim of godly filicide. Also: never complain.

Ref: Numbers 11: 1-3

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