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Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas - Celebrating unexplained pregnancy

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night

This is Mary. Mary is 14 years old and is very pretty. Mary goes to St. Joseph and St. Phillip’s Middle School in West Vermont.

Mary doesn’t like school though.

Mary likes to party with the High School kids.

Mary has conservative religious parents who worry about her grades and her choices in friends.

Mary’s parents decide the best thing to do is merry her off to a respectable older man named José.

One day José noticed that Mary was unmistakably pregnant. Mary said it was ok though because she was still a virgin.

José didn’t believe Mary and was upset. He went to talk with Mary’s parents.

Mary’s parents said that Mary would never tell a lie, and that she must have been magically made pregnant by God or something like that.

José and Mary got married in secret so people would think it was José that helped Mary get pregnant.

Eventually Mary gave birth. I wasn’t there, so I don’t know. But several decades later, someone wrote that the baby was magic. Perhaps Mary didn’t get pregnant at a drinking party. Perhaps Mary’s parents were right, and Mary was a virgin. Perhaps . . .

Of course Mary wasn’t really that into being a mom, so she hired a nanny and took a job as a “party planner.”

Merry Christmas!

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