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Monday, October 22, 2012

Isaiah and Women – DON’T TAKE SMALL STEPS!

Here is yet another biblical foundation for misogyny
One day when Jehovah was ranting about the state of the world to his prophet Isaiah he got onto the topic of women. He went on for nine verses, an unusually long time for Jehovah to stay on the same topic while speaking. He said:
The Jewish women stand up straight and walk taking small steps. This is Intolerable!  Because they do this I will make huge scabs grow on top of their heads and I will expose their private parts!
I will take away their ankle bracelets, hair nets, and earrings. I won’t stop there either. I will take all their jewelry and fancy clothes. Fuck it; I’ll just take all their clothes.
I will make them stink, I’ll make their hair fall out, make them wear burlap rags, and burn them with the mark of slavery! That should teach them!

Moral: If you are a woman and are considering good posture or taking small steps, watch out! You REALLY don’t want Jehovah to catch you taking small steps.

Ref: Isaiah 3:16-26

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