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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Paul and headscarves – working tireless to save us from God

I once read a theory that the Neanderthals were Nephilim because they no longer exist and they were bigger than the Homo Sapiens.
When the artist formerly known as Saul (Paul) was writing to the saints living in Corinth he gave one of his most important instructions. He said to make sure the women keep their heads covered because of the angels. You see, he knew all about the sordid past between God’s angels and the daughters of men.
Back before the flood women used to run around with their heads uncovered, and the angels were able to see how beautiful they were. Many of these angels chose to fall from heaven and live among these women. They had sex with them and made great big babies. In fact, I suspect the artist formerly known as Saul may have been on the writing staff for the 1998 movie City of Angels. In this film we learn Nicholas Cage was working as an Angel for Jehovah when he noticed Meg Ryan. Meg didn’t follow the instruction from the artist formerly known as Saul to keep her head covered and Nick fell from heaven to be able to partake of her hotness. Luckily for us, Meg Ryan died before they could make a baby.
It’s the babies that are the problem. They are known as the Nephilim: fallen ones of both heaven and earth. They are big, strong, and mean. In Noah’s time there got to be so many Nephilim that Jehovah couldn’t think of any way to get rid of them other than flooding the Earth, so God had Noah build an arc and you know the rest (if not, Google Noah and the Arc).
So any time you think it’s old fashioned to keep your women covered, or a violation of their rights; remember what the artist formerly known as Saul taught us. If angels can see the women’s faces, they will fall from heaven to make babies with them and Jehovah will be forced to flood the earth again to kill all the Nephilim.
And I say these things in the name of cheese and rice, amen!

Ref: 1 Corinthians 10:11 and Genesis 6:2-4

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