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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Jesus' family comes to visit - Mary gets the cold shoulder

Jesus is really good at sorting priorities

So one day Jesus was hanging out in some house with his "gentlemen friends" and some lawyers from Jerusalem showed up to tell everyone to stop making a big deal out of the whole Jesus Phenomenon since it was perfectly clear to them that Jesus was using the power of Satan to cast out devils. Jesus wasn't going to take that lying down so he politely informed them that was impossible because no devil would ever act to harm another devil because "A house divided against itself cannot stand." He also took advantage of this opportunity to teach. He said, "All sins will be forgiven, unless you disrespect the Holy Spirit. Then you're going  straight to hell. God is definitely not powerful enough to forgive that one."

Then his mom and brothers showed up outside the house. They couldn't get in though because the crowd was too big, so some of the people around him told him that his mommy was calling him.

By this point Jesus' head was so big he figured he didn't need to worry about being good to family anymore so he said, "What a load of crap. I don't need to worry about my actual mother, brothers, or sisters by blood because I have you people. You lot of suckers are way better than them. In fact, from now on anyone who does what I tell them to is the same, if not better, than my mother, sister, or brother. Besides, I'm still upset with my mother for that one time she whipped me when I refused to clean my room."

Ref: Matthew 12:22-48

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