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Monday, September 24, 2012

Mordecai screws up – pride cometh before the fall

The Epic of Esther in Four Parts: Part III
Always do what the guy in charge tells you
After the killing of the chamberlains King Ahasuerus did a little reorganizing of his inner circle. He promoted Haman to senior underling in charge of all matters that might disturb the king’s hobbies (food, wine, and sex) if someone else didn’t take care of them. The king also commanded that everyone must bow to Haman whenever they saw him.
Mordecai decided that was total crap and did not bow to Haman. Haman was PISSED (as in upset, not drunk) when Mordecai didn’t bow and he had his servants figure out what was up with Mordecai. The servants launched a little investigation and when they asked Mordecai why he wouldn’t bow, he just ignored them. The servants didn’t want to return empty-handed to Haman, so they told him Mordecai didn’t bow because he was a Jew.
Haman could have just had Mordecai strung up for not bowing, but he was so mad he decided the proper course of action was to have all the Jews in Ahasuerus’ kingdom killed. You know, teach them a lesson and all that.
Haman went to the King and told him there was a group of people (the Jews) who lived in the kingdom but did not obey the king’s laws. Haman and the king agreed that the Jews were to be eradicated and Haman would pay the King ten thousand talents of silver. They had the scribes write up orders that the Jews were to be wiped out on the 13th day of the 12th month and sent them to the law enforcement officials throughout the kingdom. Then they sat down for a drink.
Moral: if you didn’t think Mordecai was a douche for hooking Esther up with the king to get a free meal, perhaps his arrogance getting all the Jews executed will convince you.

Ref: Esther 3

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