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Monday, November 5, 2012

The ancient Hebrews read the scriptures – Enforcing Jehovah’s desire for ethnic purity

It turns out you can find justification in the bible for any evil act
In the time of the prophet Nehemiah a bunch of the Hebrews got together and someone read the Book of Moses to them. When they got to the part about Balaam’s talking donkey they especially noticed the section that said Ammonites and Moabites should never, ever, under any circumstances be allowed to enter the congregation of God.
You see, after the Israelites left Egypt they were eradicating all the different communities they came across. The Ammonites and Moabites didn’t want to be wiped off the map so they hired a magician to use his magic to help them.  Now, this didn’t work for the Ammonites and Moabites because Jehovah bullied the magician (Balaam) into using his magic to help the Israelites instead. However, irrespective of how things turned out, the Ammonites and Moabites did actively work to preserve their own lives against the evil onslaught of Jehovah’s people. This meant that their decedents could never, not ever worship Jehovah, be part of God’s people, go to Heaven, or any of the like.
The Israelites were always hard-core so once they figured out they needed to do something about ethnic impurity they didn’t just make the offending ethnic groups stand on the bus, go to separate schools, or use the back door to enter businesses. Nope. The Israelites forcibly removed everyone with any Ammonite or Moabite ancestry from their communities. These poor unsuspecting “unworthy” individuals were removed from their homes and cast into the wilderness where they could either die or wander until they found a more accepting culture willing to take them in.
After all, “God is love.”

Ref: Nehemiah 13:1-3

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